Black cohosh root was an important folk medicine for menstrual irregularities and as an aid in childbirth. Adopted in medical practice it had a great reputation as an anti-inflammatory for arthritis and rheumatism; for normalizing suppressed or painful menses; and for relieving pain after childbirth. Black cohosh has been widely used for over 60 years in the prevention and treatment of menopausal symptoms. Efficacy and safety are confirmed by this long-term clinical experience; as well as recent controlled clinical studies.
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Heat maps depicting trade volumes for goldenseal across 15 states in the eastern US in 2015, represented in percent of total harvest by USFS FIA unit. Results indicate strong centralized tendencies for market activity. Darker colors indicate greater percent of overall trade. [2].
Although Black Cohosh was withdrawn from consideration for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the vast majority of roots are harvested from wild populations instead of cultivated sources. Among the 10 top-selling herbal supplements in the US in previous years, US retail sales of black cohosh root totaled an estimated $40 million in 2016 and $35 million in 2017 and 2018. As millions of plants are harvested from the wild to meet growing consumer demand, sustainable stewardship and forest farming practices become increasingly important.[1]
This short video produced by the Sustainable Herbs Program follows the steps at a direct post-harvest handling processing facility in Pikeville, KY.
This video, produced by the Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Coalition (ABFFC), outlines the experience of two forest farmers in Virginia as the first forest farmers to sell Forest Grown Verified (FGV) black cohosh roots to Mountain Rose Herbs. Appalachian Sustainable Development’s Appalachian Harvest Herb Hub works with forest farmers across Appalachia to continue to supply a growing FGV market today.
[1] Chittum, H., Burkhart, E., Munsell and Krugerm S. “Investing in Forests and Communities: A Pathway to a Sustainable Supply of Forest Herbs in the Eastern United States,” HerbalGram (2019; 124:60-76).
[2] Kruger, S., Munsell, J., Chamberlain,J, Davis, J. and Huish, R. “Describing Medicinal Non-Timber Forest Product Trade in Eastern Deciduous Forests of the United States,” Forests 2020, 11(4), 435;