Earth Day 2020

I am so happy to share this video with you. The wisdom of the words and the beauty of the plants and pollinators give me hope.

(Press the play button in the center of the video below)

Other than our interview with Josef Brinckmann, Research Fellow from Traditional Medicinals, these interviews were filmed in 2007 for our film, Numen: the Healing Power of Plants. Yet it seems like they are speaking to this particular moment in time.

As the late Dr. Bill Mitchell says in this video, “We need a new era. I would call it a declaration of dependence… dependence on ourselves and mother earth herself…. This declaration of dependence would find us re-dedicating ourselves to a much healthier way of living with each other and with the earth.”

And as Josef Brinckmann told us, “Something needs to happen that wakes people up simultaneously.”

May the global awakening to our interdependence caused by this pandemic lead to the dawn of a new era that recognizes our dependence on each other and the earth.